Author Archive

Reading HTTP POST data using BASH

I recently needed to read the HTTP POST data using a BASH cgi script. When using BASH this way most of the HTTP variables are set as environment variables, and can be accessed simply. The exception is the HTTP POST data, this goes to the stdin stream. There were some examples of reading stdin like: […]

Outlook / Google Calendar synchronization

I’ve been using Google Calendar Sync for several weeks now and it has removed the headaches of having calendars in two places. Google Calendar Sync can be configured to do a 2-way synchronization, or a 1-way synchronization (in either direction). It is very quick to setup, and has very few options that need configuring. The […]

WordTwit WordPress Plugin Installed

I have just installed the WordTwit WordPress Plugin. This post is primarily a test to check that it is all working.

The domain switch

After much procrastination I have finally made the domain switch over to All requests to the original domain are automatically redirected to the correct page on the new domain with a “301 Moved Permanently” HTTP header. This means that all search engine traffic should be preserved, and the links updated over time. This […]

A while ago I registered the domain for a few reasons: I don’t really like the hyphen in It’s a little more personal. I currently don’t own  (It’s owned by my web hosting company, although I have the option to purchase it) Currently redirects back to although I have been […]

Time-lapse tilt-shift photography

Time-lapse photography is a technique where each frame is captured at a much slower rate than it is played back.  When it is replayed everything appears to be moving faster. Tilt-shift photography is a technique of distorting the plane of focus of an image by tilting the camera lens and distorting the perspective by shifting […]

7 Day Shop

7 Day Shop have always provided good value photographic products, computer & digital accessories (and more as well). I have used them several times in the past and they have always been reliable and efficient. They have recently announced that they are no longer charging for postage in the UK. This is great news!

Connect to a Windows remote desktop using Linux

Whilst browsing I found this article of 10 tips when making the switch to Ubuntu Linux.  One of the tips is Remote desktop to a Windows desktop/server. There is a program called rdesktop that allows you to connect to a windows remote desktop sesson on an IP address (over RDP): 1rdesktop [server]:[port] The remote desktop […]

MySQL slow query log

The MySQL slow query log enables you to log all queries that take longer than a specified number of seconds to execute.  This should help identify any queries that are not performing sufficiently. All that is required is two additional lines in the MySQL configuration file “my.cnf” in the [mysqld] section. 123[mysqld] log-slow-queries = /var/log/mysql-slow.log […]

Visual Basic 6, ActiveX and Unicode

One of the older applications I support uses ActiveX controls embedded inside a web page.  These controls request data from a web server to update the information on the page without requesting the whole page again, much in the same way that AJAX is now commonly used. This has worked fine for the Latin code […]